
Monday, 7 March 2011

Initial Research - 19th Century Project

I am working on a 19th century cutting on the stand project.  Please view my home page for more information about the project.

I have started this project with research to learn about the whole of the 19th century. I think that it is important to learn about the whole century to learn about the changes of the silhouette that have taken part.

I also want to create my own timeline of the silhouette changes (This on the post labled Time Line) because I feel that there are not enough costume books around which enable you one page that shows you the change in silhouette every 5-10 years. I want to create a timeline for every century in my spare time as a project out of Univsity so that in the future I can have a silhouette guide for the history of costume and can easly look for the date of a dress. Creating the time lines will also teach me the silhouettes in a more effective manner than just looking at images and trying to remember them.

I started my research at the AUCB Library looking though Costume, Photograph and Art books.  (You can see all the books that I have used for my research by following my Bibliography post or viewing my workbook.)

Creating the timeline and doing so much research has helped me look at the different silhouettes to help me decided which different dresses to choose for my project. I feel that it is important to choose very different dresses from the other ends of the century because the silhouettes have changed so much as well as the techniques for cutting them. 

My intentions for this project have been to learn different cutting techniques and choosing very similar costumes will not challenge and improve my knowledge and skills.

I will be creating a small workbook of all my research taken from the AUCB Library, placing each image in date order so that the research could be used again in the future and certain silhouettes can be found simply. I will also be placing all my patterns and samples created for this project. This has been handed in for my Univistiy course and should be looked at as well as my blog for my studies.

I have included a few research images on this blog to help you see some ideas of the dresses I origanly looked at. But please also look though my workbook for more detailed research.

Please note that each image is labled with the autor and the year that the image has been taken from, this corisponds with my biblography which can be found in the biblography post.

Laver, J. (1947).
Taschen. (2002).
 Laver, J. (1947)
Strong, R. (2010). 
Johnston, L. (2009). 
Sotheby’s. (1984). 
Johnston, L. (2009).
Johnston, L. (2009).
Foster, V. (1986)
Foster, V. (1986).
 Johnston, L. (2009).
Johnston, L. (2009).
Sotheby’s. (1984).
Johnston, L. (2009).
Fischel, O. (1907). 

These images have been selected because each costume has a section where there is a challenging cutting technique, for example Fig. 5 shows the use of draping around the front of the dress.

I have however decided not pick my final designs that i am working on till next week, after i have completed  both primary and secondary research.


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