
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

19th Century Cutting on the Stand Project: Evaluation

I have enjoyed this project and feel that I have learnt so much. I feel like I have achieved what was needed, more confidence in cutting for my Third Year of studying. 

I feel that completing my time line has been vital for me to truly understand the 19th Century. This was a comment that I said at the start of the project, that I did not know much about the 19th Century and I wanted to learn more, well I definitely feel that I have achieved this.

In my learning agreement and also a post previously on my blog it says about only making half a toile to a finished standard for design two. However at the Easter holidays I decided that I would have plenty of time to make a full toile and that it would look more effective. 

I think that also because the other students working on this project are doing a full costume I felt as though I was not doing as much work even though my Candide work really took over towards the start of the project and then because of work placement later in the month. And that maybe I would get marked down for having a smaller workload than others for this unit.

However I managed to finish design two toile to a very high standard and I am very happy with the way that it looks. 

I decided that for design two I would not place sleeves in the blouse, this was not because i did not have time, but because I felt that with the blouse sleeves and the two sleeves on the jacket that it would create to much bulk when just looking at the garment on a stand. Within my work book is a pattern for the sleeve of the blouse if it was to be made.

If I had to redo anything for this part of the project it would be to machine in the second sleeve on design two as well as completing all the hems. I would have liked to have finished the decoration on design one rather than just completing samples but because of doing part of my project for the National Theatre Hire Department I did not have the time to create complete to scale samples of the decoration.

I am very happy with the finished look of both my toiles and have really enjoyed this project. I feel that I have learnt so much from the project and now feel slightly more ready for third year than before.

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