
Monday, 16 May 2011

Reflection on Research

I have really enjoyed working on this project and i feel that the research section was a great part of getting myself hooked to the project. I really do love books and history and learning new things, and when a project or an essay enables me to really go for it in the library and spend days looking though books then I'm hooked to the project. It has been the same with this project. 

I am pleased that I decided to create a time line of the 19th century as it allowed me to really look at the costumes, rather than going oh that dress is pretty like many women do now days. I needed to look at  at the cut of the dresses and how they fall around the body. This was interesting because after writing the time line I decided to see how much information really went in and begun to play guess the year of this dress down to the last 5 years. I was actually very successful and really pleased that my time line idea had worked at keep the information in my mind. 

I found it interesting that when I tried to contact The gallery of English Costume to try and find an image or some more information on the dress I am working on that they denied having any images and stated that I should just look on there website which only said the same as what was in the book I had. 

However in Ashelford, J. (2008). there was an image of the back of a gorgeous velvet late 1890s costume, but as the image was not very good I sent a email to the small national trust museum where it is held for some more images or information about the dress and they replied sending me these fabulous photographs.

This was great to get such detailed images sent to me so that I can work from them for my final design.

Please do look though my work book for more research. 

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